Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Education In Colonial History Essay Example For Students

Instruction In Colonial History Essay Thomas Jefferson and Robert Coram both had various designs for instruction in frontier America. Jefferson was the most notable supporter for training while Coram was the least acclaimed devisor of instructive plans. Jefferson, as we as a whole know, composed the Declaration of Independence and later turned into the third President. Robert Coram was a youngster who worked for a Republican paper in Delaware. He put together the vast majority of his arrangement with respect to crafted by Noah Webster, who was a supporter of government funded schools. The goal of this exposition is to figure out which people plan is increasingly vote based. Before that can be set up, I figure a meaning of majority rules system ought to be expressed with the goal that it might be called upon later in this paper. As per the American Heritage Dictionary, majority rule government is expressed as the standard of social fairness and regard for the person inside a network . Thomas Jefferson had exceptionally essential thoughts for instruction in pioneer America. He felt that the law didn't require explicit subtleties, yet basically a fundamental framework. Jefferson felt that the school ought to be set up to instruct youngsters in perusing, composing, and math. Jefferson expressed that each region ought to be separated into hundreds, which were little regions of five or six square miles. In these hundreds, the initial three years of a childs instruction would be free as indicated by Jefferson. After the initial three years, it would be dependent upon the guardians to finance their childrens training, however they would at present have the option to go to class for whatever length of time that they needed. This appears to give a great law based arrangement of training. He forges ahead, expressing that specific understudies ought to get benefits. One case is that Jefferson feels that the sharpest youngster in the school, whose guardians can't bear the cos t of further instruction, ought to be sent forward to the language schools, with costs excused from the family. Likewise, proceeding with this free instruction, Jefferson accepts that twenty of the most astute understudies ought to proceed to get training from William and Mary College. Robert Coram had an alternate arrangement for training in the provinces. Coram felt that equivalent instruction ought to be scattered to everybody. He proceeds to express that instruction ought to be given to each class of residents, to each kid in the state with the support of the legislature. Coram proceeds to differ with Jefferson by expressing that something beyond perusing, composing, and number juggling ought to be told in the state funded schools. He recommended that expressions and sciences ought to likewise be instructed. Additionally, contradicted to just three years, Coram concurs with Noah Webster who feels that six years of training ought to be given to the two young men and young ladies . These two perspectives carry us to a definitive inquiry, which plan is increasingly popularity based? All things considered, this is the place we start to take a gander at what popular government implies. Prior, I introduced the meaning of majority rules system as a rule of social fairness. We realize that the two plans offer some feeling of vote based system, however one arrangement appears to offer more just principles than the other one. By and by, I felt that Coram offered progressively vote based standards, which is most likely far from being obviously true. As you see Jeffersons plan, it just offers three years of paid general training. Under his arrangement, further instructive open doors are accessible just for the individuals who can manage the cost of it. This isn't the situation, be that as it may, in Corams strategy. Coram felt that six years of fairly propelled instruction ought to be given to everybody, not simply the individuals who were of the most brilliant bore or o f riches. I don't believe that Jeffersons plan is non-popularity based, however just that Corams plan offers training with progressively social uniformity. .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 , .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .postImageUrl , .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 , .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:hover , .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:visited , .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:active { border:0!important; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:active , .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0 c4512a5dba187 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u390bc983f540c4d00c0c4512a5dba187:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet and his Games EssayThomas Jefferson was mainstream during this timespan. Jefferson was perceived as a national head who had thought of one of our countrys most valued reports, The Declaration of Independence. Robert Coram, be that as it may, was only a manager for a little Republican paper in Delaware. Because of these variables, Jeffersons plan was more broadly acknowledged than Corams plan. I despite everything feel that Corams plan was increasingly popularity based and I would have rather observed his arrangement did. As I said before, I am certain that my view is questionable in light of the fact that it relies upon how one perspectives the word majority rule government. I passed by the word reference to be as unprejudiced as could be expected under the circumstances while seeing the two arrangements of thoughts which, I feel, empowered me to offer a more grounded correlation. Coram offered a superior way to deal with advance training in a socially equivalent estate. Jefferson had a decent arrangement, however it did not have the popularity based goals that Corams plan plainly showed. American History

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Los Procesos Químicos Del Cuerpo

Los Procesos Quã ­micos Del Cuerpo Casandra Hernã ¡ndez Introducciã ³n A travã ©s de este trabajo la investigadora realizã ³ una revisiã ³n de literatura relacionada a los procesos quã ­micos que ocurren en el cuerpo humano. Se comienza definiendo conceptos esenciales para comprender los procesos quã ­micos. Segã ºn Aguilar (2012) el cuerpo de los seres humanos es un sistema que estã ¡ compuesto por cã ©lulas las cuales forman los tejidos. Mediante las cã ©lulas el cuerpo humano lleva a cabo las funciones vitales para vivir. El cuerpo del ser humano tiene procesos que child bã ¡sicos y que producen subsistemas esenciales donde un grupo de à ³rganos coordinados realizan las funciones esenciales del ser humano. El cuerpo humano tiene once sistemas que agrupan los à ³rganos esenciales para que funcione el cuerpo adecuadamente. Sistemas del cuerpo humano Estos sistemas child los siguientes: El sistema strong que es el conjunto de mã ºsculos que tienen la responsabilidad de los cambios corporales, postura y locomociã ³n. El sistema à ³seo que es el conjunto de huesos que forman el esqueleto y protegen a los à ³rganos internos como el crã ¡neo y la columna vertebral. El sistema respiratorio que incluye a las fosas nasales, la faringe, la laringe y los pulmones que realizan el intercambio gaseoso. El sistema digestivo incluye la boca, el hã ­gado, el estã ³mago, los intestinos y otros à ³rganos. Se encarga de realizar la degradaciã ³n de los alimentos a nutrientes que luego asimila el cuerpo y utiliza en las actividades que realiza el organismo. El sistema excretor estã ¡ compuesto por los riã ±ones y sus conductos los cuales funcionan para extraer los desechos metabã ³licos, osmorregulaciã ³n y la homeostasis para mantener el equilibrio quã ­mico del cuerpo. El sistema circulatorio incluye el corazã ³n, vasos sanguã ­neos y cã ©lulas sanguã ­neas. El mismo sirve para llevar los alimentos y el oxã ­geno a las cã ©lulas. Ademã ¡s, recoge los desechos metabã ³licos que se elimina a travã ©s de los riã ±ones, en la orina y por el aire que se exhala por los pulmones. El sistema endocrino contiene las glã ¡ndulas productoras de hormonas que intervienen en la regulaciã ³n del crecimiento, metabolismo y los procesos de la reproducciã ³n. El sistema nervioso estã ¡ constituido por el cerebro, ganglios, nervios, à ³rganos de los sentidos para detectar, analizar los estã ­mulos y crear las respuestas apropiadas. El aparato reproductor estã ¡ compuesto por testã ­culos y ovarios para llevar a cabo el proceso de reproducciã ³n de los seres humanos. El sistema linfã ¡tico contiene los capilares circulatorios en los que se recoge y transporta el lã ­quido de los tejidos. Ademã ¡s, transporta por el torrente sanguã ­neo los lã ­pidos digeridos que vienen del intestino para eliminar y destruir las sustancias tã ³xicas. El mismo ayuda a que no se difundan las enfermedades a travã ©s del cuerpo. El sistema inmunolã ³gico estã ¡ constituido por diferentes à ³rganos que estã ¡n a travã ©s de los tejidos del cuerpo. Este sistema reconoce las estructuras y su head propã ³sito es preservar su identidad. Estã ¡ constituido por linfocitos y por anticuerpos. Se indica que el cuerpo humano es un mecanismo que se basa en los componentes quã ­micos para mantener un equilibrio en el mismo. El estado de equilibrio se le llama homeostasis. Cuando una o mã ¡s sustancias quã ­micas caen fuera de equilibrio por una disminuciã ³n o aumento de los niveles, provoca que los sistemas del cuerpo humano trabajen de forma menos eficiente. Estos desequilibrios quã ­micos pueden suceder por un sinnã ºmero de razones logrando afectar el cuerpo de diversas formas (Melton, s.f.). La serotonina Segã ºn Melton (s.f.) la serotonina es un neurotransmisor que estã ¡ en el cerebro. Cuando la serotonina se encuentra en niveles normales la persona tendrã ¡ una variedad de emociones y funcionarã ¡ eficientemente. Sin ban, cuando los niveles de serotonina comienzan a disminuir por los cambios quã ­micos del cuerpo es por interacciã ³n farmacolã ³gica o por una enfermedad, que puede lograr que la personalidad del individuo cambie como: llegar a la depresiã ³n y que aparezca el trastorno bipolar. De otra parte, cuando disminuyen los niveles de serotonina puede causar fatiga crã ³nica, trastornos del sueã ±o y cambios en el apetito. La insulina Tambiã ©n, Melton indica que la insulina es una hormona que la produce el pã ¡ncreas y permite que la glucosa entre en las cã ©lulas del cuerpo. Cuando la misma se encuentra en niveles normales, se produce insulina suficiente y à ©sta es usada por el cuerpo para que la glucosa ocean absorbida por las cã ©lulas del cuerpo para la obtenciã ³n de energã ­a. Cuando los niveles de insulina comienzan a disminuir, se puede llegar a padecer de diabetes. La diabetes tipo 1 flood cuando el sistema inmunolã ³gico del cuerpo humano se vuelve en contra y a su vez destruye las cã ©lulas del pã ¡ncreas las cuales producen insulina. La diabetes tipo 2 ocurre cuando se producen las cã ©lulas que child resistentes a la insulina. Esto ocurre cuando las cã ©lulas no permiten a la insulina abrir las vã ­as para que la glucosa penetre. El pã ¡ncreas produce una cantidad civic chairman de insulina cuando aumentan los niveles de glucosa en la sangre, pero las cã ©lulas no child receptivas y l os niveles de glucosa continã ºan en aumento. Desequilibrios hormonales pituitarios La glã ¡ndula pituitaria es una glã ¡ndula pequeã ±a que se encuentra en la base del cerebro. Esta glã ¡ndula produce hormonas que regulan la presiã ³n sanguã ­nea, el crecimiento y algunos aspectos del sistema reproductivo. En algunas ocasiones ocurre el hipopituitarismo por el resultado de la disminuciã ³n de los niveles de hormonas de la pituitaria. Cuando esto ocurre, puede causar trastornos en las funciones normales del cuerpo stories como la presiã ³n blood vessel y la frecuencia cardã ­aca (Melton, s.f.). Cuando existe exceso de producciã ³n de hormonas hipofisarias, provoca una enfermedad llamada acromegalia. La misma puede causar la producciã ³n anormal de la hormona del crecimiento. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza porque algunas à ¡reas del cuerpo se vuelven mã ¡s grandes y fuera de proporciã ³n con el resto del cuerpo. Es un tipo de crecimiento excesivo que se da en las manos, pies y cara. Este crecimiento anormal flood en la edad madura despuã ©s que el proceso de crecimiento se ha parado. Si en la adolescencia se presenta gran cantidad de la hormona del crecimiento, se puede producir gigantismo (Melton, s.f.). Desequilibrios metabã ³licos Segã ºn Botanical Online (2015) el metabolismo permite funcionar, crecer y desarrollarse y realizar todas las funciones del organismo. Los alimentos producen la energã ­a mediante los nutrientes. El metabolismo tiene dos fases: Anabolismo: Tiene la funciã ³n de crear nuevas cã ©lulas, mantener los tejidos del cuerpo y crear reservas. Este tipo de proceso se conoce como metabolismo constructivo, asã ­ se forman los tejidos, los mã ºsculos o los nervios. Cuando ocurre esta fase el cuerpo gasta energã ­a. Catabolismo: Tiene la funciã ³n de descomponer los tejidos corporales y las sustancias de reserva para producir energã ­a. Se utiliza para obtener la energã ­a que el cuerpo necesita. Permite los procesos anabã ³licos como generar calor para mantener la temperatura corporal adecuada o proporcionar energã ­a que permite dar fuerza a los mã ºsculos. El metabolismo del individuo se relaciona con el peso, el apetito y los niveles de energã ­a del cuerpo. Cuando la glã ¡ndula tiroides no estã ¡ activa puede causar enfermedades cardã ­acas, la fatiga y la obesidad. Cuando la tiroides produce demasiada hormona puede provocar que ocean difã ­cil que una persona mantenga su peso saludable. Los trastornos en las glã ¡ndulas suprarrenales pueden producir cortisol en cantidad excesiva y causar que una persona gane peso en el à ¡rea del midsection, esto se llama sã ­ndrome de Cushing. Tambiã ©n, ocurren otros trastornos que logran niveles de cortisol mã ¡s bajos que los normales. El cortisol ayuda a mantener la presiã ³n blood vessel, la glucosa en sangre y los niveles de energã ­a normales (Melton, s.f.). Principales procesos metabã ³licos Entre los principales proceso metabã ³licos se encuentran: la digestiã ³n, que mediante los alimentos permite los procesos de creaciã ³n de nuevos tejidos y el almacenamiento de las sustancias de reserva en forma de grasa corporal; la circulaciã ³n de la sangre, en los cuales los nutrientes child trasportados por la sangre hasta el hã ­gado y las cã ©lulas del hã ­gado metabolizan cada sustancia para producir energã ­a. La eliminaciã ³n de los productos de desecho mediante la defecaciã ³n se elimina los residuos de la digestiã ³n. La regulaciã ³n de la temperatura corporal es la energã ­a producida por el proceso catabã ³lico genera calor que mantiene la temperatura corporal. Tambiã ©n, existen otros mecanismos internos puede disminuir la temperatura corporal como el aumento del sudor o la dilataciã ³n de los vasos sanguã ­neos (Botanical Online, 2015). Desequilibrios del sistema reproductivo Segã ºn Melton (s.f.) los desequilibrios quã ­micos producidos en el sistema reproductivo pueden causar infertilidad y bajar el deseo sexual en ambos sexos. Cuando los niveles de estrã ³geno y testosterona estã ¡n bajos, afecta el rendimiento sexual y la fertilidad. Los altos niveles de testosterona en los hombres pueden provocar un exceso de masa strong. De otra parte, las mujeres con niveles altos de testosterona pueden experimentar calvicie de patrã ³n masculino y el crecimiento excesivo del pelo en la cara y el pecho. Otras mujeres pueden experimentar que su voz ocean mã ¡s grave y llegar a ser mã ¡s masculino. Sin ban, cuando los niveles de estrã?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

How to Make Your Argumentative Essay Rock

How to Make Your Argumentative Essay Rock (3) Are you writing an argumentative essay for school and just don’t feel that it’s as good as it could be? This type of writing can be challenging, since it requires plenty of research, but it can also be quite rewarding. Argumentative writing tends to be balanced in that it acknowledges all sides of the issue. Rather than only discuss your own point of view, you will be conducting research on all views of the subject, then presenting them in a way that will allow the reader to make their decision. Choose a Topic It’s far easier to write on a topic that interests you and that you feel passionate about. Selecting a topic with strong opposing views can be a great way to get your grades up, provided you do a good job of proving your point. Great topics may include legal topics, moral topics and social topics, among others. Here are a few to get you started: Should businesses be permitted to advertise in schools? Should circumcision for infants be banned? Is the death penalty the best option for murderers? Should employers be permitted to refuse to hire pregnant women Should tobacco products be banned? Should firearms be restricted?Is abortion a legal right? These topics have very strong views on either side and it is up to you to select which one to represent first in your essay. While both (or more, if you find others) perspectives should be represented, one will feature more strongly as your preferred opinion. Hints for a Better Essay Still need some extra tricks to make sure your essay is amazing? Here are a few ways you can boost the value of your writing. Draft an Outline Before you get too far into creating your essay, you’ll want an essay to keep things nice and neat. It’s easy to ramble if you don’t have a specific direction to follow. As you do your research, write the information you find on sticky notes. Then arrange these into a simple outline that flows. Work without a solid outline at your own risk. Consider using an argumentative essay template to understand key elements of the essay. Include Quotes Using quotes from experts on the topic will appeal to logic and help the reader understand why your thesis statement hold true. You can find these online, from reputable sources, or you can actually talk to some experts to get the quotes. Be sure to cite these sources to demonstrate credibility and allow the reader to see where the quotes came from. It doesn’t matter if it is in MLA format (examples), APA format (examples), or another styleâ€"be sure to include citations. Look at Both Sides of the Issue   Balance is the key to argumentative writing. Ideally, you will present both the pros and cons of the various arguments, with a strong slant toward your preferred view. With the right research and arranging of facts, you should be able to present your perspective in a very persuasive way. While your essay should be written to encourage people to see things from your point of view, it should also present all sides of issue. This will come across as balanced and fair and you allow the reader to ultimately choose which option they prefer. Finally, if you’re ever facing writer’s block for your college paper, consider WriteWell Essay Templates  to help you get started.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sex Workers and Violence Essay - 917 Words

It is self-evident that financial reasons for sex work are most prominent. Surprisingly near to 40% indicate that they like this kind of work. About one-third of the women are offering sex services for altruistic reasons, as they want to help. Thus, sex work obviously also serves very personal reasons; sex work can enhance self-esteem, allow the person to be their own master give a feeling of power (pg. 149). In a study performed by Koken (2012), the researcher approaches prostitution as a form of paid labor that women may choose to engage in under circumstances ranging from the luxurious to the destitute. Results from the study showed that women articulated feelings of pride about their work, their body, and their ability to use sex work†¦show more content†¦Because of this stigmatization from the police, community and law system, sex workers know they will receive no protection from the police and must therefore take their safety into their own hands. Either by accepting the risks and going out on the streets anyway, or by carrying a weapon, like mace or a knife, and possibly facing charges if the weapon were discovered by the police. In other parts of the world, where prostitution is legal, sex workers face less violence and therefore feel less fear about working in their industry. Apparently, â€Å"there is evidence that some systems of legalization provide a relatively safe working environment. Although no system is risk free, women working in legal brothels and window units in the Netherlands experience very little violence. Workers and managers have instituted elaborate procedures to respond to violent customers quickly and effectively, â€Å"in Nevada’s legal brothels, the risk of violence is very low† (, 2013) So, when prostitution is legalized, controlled and, more importantly, monitored, it becomes less of a risk for workers in that industry. Managers and sex workers themselves are able to develop security measures and systems, which allow them to receive help should aShow MoreRelatedBad Dates And Street Sex Trade1294 Words   |  6 Pagessecret that sex work is a growing industry, as it is essentially a commercial enterprise in our society. Many of the people who work in this business typically turn to prostitution for economic purposes as a result from poor education and poverty. Sex work is often linked to violence and victimization from clients and other perpetrators, but even so, it is not always true. The expectation that Bill C-36 will prevent harm to the susceptible portion of the population from acts of violence and exploitationRead MoreProstitution Is The World Oldest Profession1577 Words   |  7 Pagesoldest profession, and a major motive for becoming a prostitute tends to be economic. (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus, Herold Mckay, 2013) The sex industry tends to divide feminists and society, on whether prostitution is an coercion and commodification of women, or a women’s right and choice to sell her body. (Shannon, 2010) Prostitution, which is consensual sex between two adults for money or goods of value is legal in Canada although, most of the activities that surround the act of prostitution suchRead MoreAids Among Women During The Sex Industry1004 Words   |  5 PagesAIDS among women in the sex industry Human immunodeficieny virus (HIV) is a virus that produces AIDS (HIV/AIDS: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia). The HIV virus attacks and weakens a person immune system. People with weaker immune systems are at higher risk of contracting infections or cancers. The HIV virus is spread from person to person through sexual contact, blood, and from mother to child. 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She was also allegedly working late to pay a fine she had received for soliciting. Mariana’s tragedy is not uncommon. Sex workers are 400 times more likely to become a victim of homicide than the average worker. Current legislation regarding prostitution in the United States works directly against sex workers, theRead MoreProstitution, Prostitution And The Commercialization Of Sexual Services1467 Words   |  6 Pagesimplicated sex workers of criminal offences, thus the decision to work safe or risk arrest made their line of work difficult (Durisin, Love , van der Meulen, 2013). Due to public demand and the need to clean street prostitutes, the criminalization o f prostitute related activities repressed the working conditions of sex workers (Crago Clamen, 2013). Prostitutes - a public nuisance - had to choose whether to work safely or risks arrests (Crago Clamen, 2013). This paper will focus on the violence againstRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal?1292 Words   |  6 Pages 2015). This is simply one of many cases of violence toward prostitutes. In this age where everyone feels that they are mistreated and discriminated against, prostitutes are one of the few groups that are truly mistreated. They are harassed simply because of their occupation, and this continues to happen due to the current legislation and attitude toward sex workers. Prostitution is often referred to as the oldest profession. However, sex workers are still struggling to receive recognition asRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1283 Words   |  6 Pages Prostitution or commercial sex has always been a heavily debated topic around the world. The world’s oldest profession dating back to ca. 2400 BCE has been considered degrading for the dignity of a women and the feminist community. Critics claim that legalisation of prostitution can result in violence against women, human trafficking, exploitation etc. However, data collected from nations such as Germany and New Zealand, where the profession of commercialized sex is legalized, reports an utterlyRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Workers1052 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION The term sex work gives a negative meaning by itself. Though being a part of the same society they are denied the right to vote and dignity. They are criticized and a considered a stigma and therefore are denied the fundamental right which they are guaranteed to all citizens of India, i.e. right to life, liberty and dignity. They are often the subject of abuse, violation and harassment. It is thought that the sex workers threatens the structure of the family life and are therefore mostRead MoreProstitution Is A Big Controversy Around The World1033 Words   |  5 Pagesright decisions for themselves and for their body. Many choose this career as a way to make a living because they choose its right to. Others on the other hand do not agree. The opposing side say that prostitution should not be legal due to so much violence and abuse that a prostitute goes through. Many do not choose the lifestyle to become a prostitute, and many are forced into this industry and are even abused. The main reason many people believe that prostitution should be legal, would be because

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Resilience Health and Literature Review Page - 10409 Words

Resilience Theory: A Literature Review with special chapters on deployment resilience in military families resilience theory in social work by Adrian DuPlessis VanBreda October 2001 RESILIENCE THEORY: A LITERATURE REVIEW Author: Title: Date: Report No: Institution: Adrian DuPlessis VanBreda Resilience Theory: A Literature Review October 2001 MPI/R/104/12/1/4, dd October 2001 South African Military Health Service, Military Psychological Institute, Social Work Research Development City: E-mail: Address: Pretoria, South Africa Major A.D. Van Breda Military Psychological Institute Private Bag X02 Gezina 0031 South Africa Resilience Theory: A Literature Review Page i CHAPTER TWO: INDIVIDUAL RESILIENCE 2.1†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Being able to selectively disengage from the home and engage with those outside, and then to reengage. â€Å"Being internally oriented and having an internal locus of control. â€Å"The absence of serious illness during adolescence.† The capacity of an individual to cope during difficulty is central to their resilience. Pearlin and Schooler (1982, p. 109) define coping as â€Å"the thing that people do to avoid being harmed by lifestrain.† These authors conducted 2300 interviews in the urbanized Chicago area and through content analysis of these interviews identified three main types of coping that serve distinct functions, viz: â€Å"Responses that change the situation out of which strainful experience arises† (Pearlin Schooler, 1982, p. 115). Interestingly, their research found that this type of coping was not widely used. Several reasons are offered to explain this. Page 6 Resilience Theory: A Literature Review People must first recognize the situation which is causing the stress; something which is not always possible. directly. efforts. It is interesting to note that much of resilience theory and research has revolved around situations which are impervious to change efforts, such as being in a concentration camp, having a terminal illness, being in a war, growing up in poverty, etc. In such circumstances, little can be done to directly change the situation causing the stress. Rather, other forms of coping are required. â€Å"Responses thatShow MoreRelatedConcept Analysis: Resilience Essay2749 Words   |  11 PagesResilience: A Concept Analysis The concept resilience has been the interest of many disciplines over the years, and is utilized by all people at some point in their lives. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

“Tyronian” Tragedy Free Essays

In Eugene O’Neill’s agonizingly autobiographical play Long Day’s Journey into Night, readers are introduced a dismal family situation. Drugs, death, illness and failure lace each conversation, and regret flows almost as unreservedly as the alcohol. In such a tragedy, one would expect to have a clear idea of with whom the blame lies. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Tyronian† Tragedy or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this piece of drama, however, there is a distinct inability to do so. Eugene O’Neill persistently manipulates the emotional responses of the reader. This manipulation keeps partiality off balance and uncertain. O’Neill accomplishes this by allowing readers to sympathize with one family member. Once sympathy is established for one particular character, that character promptly says, or does, something that loses the reader’s alliance, along with the alliance of whichever character he or she is berating at that particular moment. This results in the reader’s inability to discern who, precisely, is culpable for the Tyrone family’s situation. The idea of assigning culpability in Long Day’s Journey Into Night is almost humourous. Even if one wanted to, it would be difficult to sort through years of built up anger, layer upon layer of repression, and huge amounts of guilt in each character; for each character is at fault for one thing or another, and, in addition, each character blames someone else for his or her problem. For example, Mary blames her husband and his tightfistedness for her addiction to morphine. Due to their mother being an addict, Jamie is unable to bring girls home, thus he visits prostitutes. Such behavior has influenced his younger brother Edmund, â€Å"making him old before his time† (35). Consequently, Jamie is at fault for Edmund’s poor health. In turn, his mother, for causing the addiction by being brought into the world, as well as worsening it with his own illness, blames Edmund. And so, the vicious circle continues. However, if one does not wish to inflict upon one’s distinguished teaching assistant a painfully long dissertation of each member’s contributions to the tragedy and the results thereof, one ought to maintain, for argument’s sake, that the majority of the culpability lies with James Tyrone, for his behaviour in regards to money, alcohol, and his own status as a failed actor. James’s father had left the family when James was only ten years of age. This left James as the man of the family, working twelve hours each day to help provide for his mother and three sisters. As James explains, â€Å"It was in those days I learned to be a miser†(151). He feels proud of his savings, and announces to his family in regards to buying something: â€Å"I got them dead cheap†(15). His own early recognition of the importance of money explains his continual contempt for his own children’s lack of concern when it comes to working: â€Å"What do you know of the value of a dollar? (150). He accuses Jamie of being lazy and having no ambition. Not only does James Tyrone wish his sons understood the value of money, but since they do not, he is forced to be miserly enough for the whole family. Consequently, the family resents his overly economic ways. There are many attacks throughout the play on James Tyrone for this, the first one being Jamie accusing him of not sending Edmund to a real doctor for his illness when he first got sick. Jamie says, â€Å"Hardy only charges a dollar. That’s what makes you think he’s a fine doctor! â€Å"(31). Later, another dialogue gives an even worse view of the situation; Tyrone sending Edmund to a cheap sanatorium, but spending money on real estate: JAMIE: Well, for God’s sake, pick out a good place and not some cheap dump! TYRONE: (Stung) I’ll send him wherever Hardy thinks best! JAMIE: Well, don’t give Hardy your old over-the-hills-to-the-poorhouse song about taxes and mortgages. TYRONE: I’m no millionaire who can throw money away! Why shouldn’t I tell Hardy the truth? JAMIE: Because he’ll think you want him to pick a cheap dump, and because he’ll now it isn’t the truth i especially if he hears afterwards you’ve seen McGuire and let that flannel-mouth, gold-brick merchant sting you with another piece of bum property! (82) Later realizing the anger this statement comes from, James Tyrone offers Edmund â€Å"any place you like! Never mind what it costs! Any place I can afford. Any place you like†. Sadly, there follows the stipulation Tyrone cannot seem to shake off: â€Å"Within reason. â€Å"(151). Cheap medical care seems to be Tyrone’s weakness. As Mary Tyrone makes clear, his tightfisted ways result, though inadvertently, in her downfall as well, due to a doctor giving her morphine as an easy fix. â€Å"But bearing Edmund was the last straw. I was so sick afterwards, and that ignorant quack of a cheap hotel doctor-All he knew was I was in pain. It was easy for him to stop the pain. â€Å"(90) Tyrone is also to blame for his wife’s general unhappiness, not just her addiction to morphine. Mary says to Edmund that she has never been happy in the house, because â€Å"Everything was done in the cheapest way. Your father would never spend the money to make it right. (45). The subsequent scene has Mary come downstairs (60), in a detached sort of manner. She complains bitterly to Edmund about Tyrone’s inability to make a real home. He is too stingy to build a real home, with good servants, and so she has suffered all her life. When Tyrone himself comes in, she says in continuation of her previous statements † I’m sick and tired of pretending this is a home! You won’t help me! â€Å"(69). She goes on to say that had he remained a bachelor â€Å"Then nothing would have happened. † This indicates strongly that she blames him too. Tyrone condemns Mary for her addiction, yet feels no guilt or responsibility for it, taking away any amount of forgiveness readers may have parted with in Tyrone’s favour. The amusing part of this however, is while he condemns his wife for substance abuse, the same thing is his own major vice. Mary tells her husband: † I would never have married you if I’d known you drank so much† (115). She also launches into a story about their honeymoon, when Tyrone was dragged home intoxicated. It appears that in a fashion similar to that of their father, Jamie and Edmund seem quite partial to alcohol. In fact, the entire family seems unable to confront reality without chemical assistance. Mary’s words indicate that drinking all day is a common Tyrone family activity: â€Å"I know what to expect. You will be drunk tonight. Well, it won’t be the first time, will it i or the thousandth? † (72). The Tyrone men validate their drinking habits with folk wisdom about whiskey’s alleged health benefits: â€Å"It’s before a meal and I’ve always found that good whiskey, taken in moderation as an appetizer, is the best of tonics† (68). Alcohol has contributed to Jamie’s failures. It has hurt Edmund’s health. And it becomes a source of conflict between Jamie and Tyrone, as Jamie consistently steals his father’s whiskey, replacing the amount taken with water, so his father won’t take notice. Regrettably, the alcohol solves no problems, and problems get more intricate as the tongues loosen from the booze. The three men share a drink, but none of the social magic of alcohol seems to work. Tyrone, Edmund and Jamie remain as miserable as ever. The last, most driving element of James Tyrone’s guilt is his status as a failed actor. In act four of the play, James Tyrone relates something to his youngest son that he has never told anyone before. He explains that since his father left the family when he was ten, he grew up to be miserly. Thus he was quick to give up artistic fulfillment in exchange for financial security, ruining his career as † one of the three or four young actors with the greatest artistic promise in America†(153). James Tyrone now muses that he doesn’t even know what it was he had wanted to buy. It appears that James has never forgiven himself for this, and therefore inflicts it on his family and neighbours. Mary says in regards to the neighbours: â€Å"they bowed to your father and he bowed back as if he were taking a curtain call†(44). Jamie relates that Tyrone puts on an act for everybody (57). Tyrone begins to quote a play almost as tragic as his own family life, but his son, obviously well versed in his father’s repertoire of chastisements from King Lear, finishes the sentence before his father can continue, with † ‘to have a thankless child’. I know†(92). His sons also immediately think in terms of tragedy when referring to their father, quoting Othello in reference to James’s snoring: † ‘The Moor, I know his trumpet'†(21). It appears that Tyrone turns his own life into a tragedy, like the ones he once portrayed so well upon the stage, switching affections and emotions like he would have to between scenes, although his family isn’t as accepting of this as Edwin Booth and the critics obviously were. But why bother to deal with the question of fault? After all, the characters themselves claim not to care about it, such as in act two, scene two, when James Tyrone tries to blame Edmund’s consumptive state on Mary’s side of the family. Jamie cries out against blame: â€Å"Who gives a damn about that part of it! â€Å" How to cite â€Å"Tyronian† Tragedy, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Diego Riviera Man at the Crossroads Essay Example For Students

Diego Riviera Man at the Crossroads Essay Hombre Controlled el Universe (The Man Controller of the universe) This painting by Diego Riviera was started in 1933 for the Rockefeller Center in New York. He was asked to paint a mural on the second floor in the Palace of Fine Arts. John Rockefeller Wanted this painting to get people to stop and think. Riviera included a portrait of Vladimir Lennox in the mural which upset Rockefeller. He asked Diego to remove the picture Of Lennox and add one Of Abraham Lincoln. Diego refused to do so. When he had completed the mural, it remained draped. Diego was fully still paid for the mural even though it wasnt on display. It was stored in 1934 just a few weeks after it was completed. People were angry and protested but it was no use. In this mural the man in the middle who is using some kind of controlling device, splits the mural into two different worlds. The message behind this mural was Riviera trying to portray his anti-capitalistic ideas on the left and show and ideal vision of socialists on the right. In the wing type things coming from behind the controller, on the capitalistic side it shows diseased cells and on the socialistic side it shows healthy natural cells. There are also statues in the picture, one show the fall of fascism and one shows religion. This mural is not only an artistic mater piece, but a political one too. Riviera clearly states his thoughts and opinions on politics. He is with the socialist party because he is from Cuba. I thought this was mural was well done and should not have been destroyed, but instead put in a different museum so it could be displayed to people who enjoy it. Luckily someone took pictures of it before workmen destroyed it with axes so Diego Riviera could duplicate it. The second version was smaller and was placed in a museum in Mexico. Personally like the painting because of its unique elements and the fact that he isnt afraid to show his opinions.